Sponsor Letter: “It has been an amazing journey”


One of the first women I sponsored was from Kosovo. Because we didn’t have translation services after that year, our contact was minimal but this woman had amazing persistence and a will to stay connected. Sometimes I would get a letter, none of which I could understand. But, I still felt the connection and it reassured me that she was ok. Sometimes I got an email that just had a flower or happy face icon. There are no words for how touched I was with her efforts to reach out. But then an amazing thing happened and she somehow became connected with another Albanian who was doing a doctoral research project in England and agreed to intercept and translate our letters.

It has been an amazing journey to really be able to communicate; to find out that my sister has married, risen from poverty and had a baby! She now sends me pictures of her sweet baby!! This year she sent me a Christmas present. It was the most touching gift ever. She sent a pair of socks her mother had knit for her baby daughter, along with an identical pair which her mother knitted for me! I hung the baby socks on my Christmas tree and will do so each year as I hold them dear in my heart.

Nancy Oyloe